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How can I use the Rule Editor to create a simplified representation that excludes items inside a group?
I tried the config below, but the result was "0 items".
21-700_71-00_00-00 is the group's name, selected from the list.
And what about a rule to filter a repeat region using the same criteria? Everything inside the group is automatically filtered out. Is this possible?
Rules only collect items as they are made unless you select Associative.
Also I think you want - Look for Group and Look by Group
Is this a group name you use a lot. If not, you may be better off just manually placing the group in a layer
Yes, while creating layer, I can use filter "Group" and "Group".
But, when using the Rule Editor inside the Simplified Representation creation windows, the only "Look for" available is "Solid Model"
If I try to manually input "Group", I receive an error message.
Is there a workaround this?
I tried to first, create an layer "OHNE_ELEK" and then inside the Simp Rep Rule Editor filter by layer, but it did not work.