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I want to create balloon using component.
Can you provide example/solution to use of ProBomballoonByComponentCreate().
Hi Nikhil
As far as i know it refers to the feature id of the component you are associating the BOM balloon with. It takes a proarray so you have to allocate a ProArray and then use ProArrayObjectAdd to sue it in ProBomballoonByComponentCreate.
For example you can do something like this:
int * compId;
int tempId = (int)_featureIdComp;
ProArrayObjectAdd((ProArray*)&compId,0,1,(void*)tempId);//you can now pass compId as the last argument to ProBomballoonByComponentCreate()
let me know if it helps.
The comp_memb_id_tab argument is short for Component Member ID Table. It's basically the comp_id_table member variable of the ProAsmcomppath object. This table contains the feature IDs of each component as you walk down the assembly tree to the component of interest. Read the Pro/TOOLKIT API Wizard under User's Guide->Assembly: Basic Assembly Access->Structure of Assemblies and Assembly Objects for more information. There is a nice assembly tree picture there that will help.