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Creo View - Envelope (Measurements) and orientation control


Creo View - Envelope (Measurements) and orientation control

Hello everyone,

I'm not an expert Creo View user and I'm trying to find a way to obtain the minimum-size enclosure that contains a Creo part or assembly (or imported STEP files). In Creo Parametric you can set the Enclosure feature to "optimized" (from 11.0) or orient it according to a selected CSYS.

I couldn't find a similar option in Creo View: when using Markup > Measurements > Envelope, the bounding box is always created according to the default CSYS. In the attached picture you can see a practical example where my part's CSYS is not oriented according to the minimum-size envelope/enclosure.

Am I missing something? Thanks.


I think this would need to be an enhancement.  I know newer version of Creo Parametric (like 11 or 12) have enhanced the boundary calculations to ignore the CSYS and use geometry only.  I'm speculating/hoping the WVS team updates the publishing to include this new boundary from Creo Parametric into Creo View.  

Yes, I agree that an enhancement similar to what is under development in Creo 12.0 would be nice in Creo View.

I was just wondering if at least Creo View had an option to reorient the Envelope manually (e.g. selecting planes or edges for X-Y-Z directions), but it seems that it's only possible to have the Envelope generated according to the default CSYS...

I would appreciate having the possibility to do all the necessary operations in Creo View (e.g. when dealing with Step files received from suppliers), without the need to create the BBox in Parametric, then publish, then open in Creo View. Thanks for you reply, anyway.


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