Having a bit of an issue this morning when trying to create new drawing of an assembly file. I keep getting the "Fatal Error" message (below) that causes CREO to shut down and exit. Last week I had this issue with one of the components in this same assembly. Today - I removed that component from the ASM thinking that would fix the problem; It didn't - I'm still getting the error when I try to create a drawing of this ASM.
To solve the problem last week I just created a drawing of a different part, Deleted the model from drawing, then added the model I initially needed to draw.
It worked for that part but I'm not comfortable doing that with the assembly drawing.
I'm now thinking that there is a deeper corruption issue going on with this assembly - maybe even the workspace?
What's the best way to troubleshoot and fix this TWIP (Train Wreck In Process) so that I can salvage my work w/o making the problem bigger?
Thought I'd run this by you guys before I go down the road w/ tech support.
Thanks - have a good day all
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