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Permanent text in graphics window


Permanent text in graphics window


I want to display informations for the user in the bottom of the graphics window.

Iuse function ProGraphicsTextDisplay() but the text is not permanent visible.

What do I have to do to keep it visible?

Greetings Lars

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Read the API Wizard under User's Guide->User Interface: Basic
Graphics->Displaying Graphics (Wildfire 4.0) or User's Guide->Graphics and
Object Display->Displaying Graphics (Wildfire 3.0). In this section you
will read the following:

By default, the graphics elements are not stored in the Pro/ENGINEER
display list, so they do not get redrawn by Pro/ENGINEER when the user
selects View, Repaint or View, Orientation. However, if you store graphics
elements in either 2-D or 3-D display lists, Pro/ENGINEER redraws them.
See Display Lists for more information.

When you read the Display Lists section you will read the following:

For example, if you just use the functions described in Displaying
Graphics, the items you draw remain on the screen only until the window is
repainted. Furthermore, the objects are not plotted with the rest of the
contents of the window because Pro/ENGINEER does not know about them.

If, however, you add the same graphics items to the 2-D display list, they
will survive each repaint (when zooming and panning, for example) and will
be included in plots created by Pro/ENGINEER.

If you add graphics to the 3-D display list, you get the further benefit
that the graphics survive a change to the orientation of the solid and are
displayed, even when you spin the solid dynamically.

Therefore you need to create a display list for your drawing graphics to
survive a repaint. Good luck!

Patrick Williams
Sr. Systems Engineer II
Mechanical Engineering Solutions
Missile Systems
Raytheon Company

+1 520.545.6995 (business)
+1 520.545.6399 (fax)

6221 S Palo Verde Rd
Tucson, AZ 85706 USA

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