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Help !!! 🙂
Maybe someone has seen something like this to give us help. We havesome ACL code called from the FOSI, it works when we compose from the Editor and from PE interactive. It does not work when the same file is requestedwith the servlet.
This makes no sense to us, does it make sense to anybody else?
Our ACL code is trying to delete empty nodes - using XPATH
example: unorederedlist[not(node())]
this XPATH is not matching
Is there a way we can test this faster in a "windowless" mode without using the servlet?
Ellen (Thanks for the quick answer, we are working late trying to figure this out!)
In Reply to Clay Helberg:
Hi Ellen-
Some ACL functions behave differently in windowless mode (as in a
servlet request) from interactive mode (where there's a window for the
document). What is your ACL trying to do?
From: Ellen Headrick
Help !!! 🙂
Maybe someone has seen something like this to give us help. We have
some ACL code called from the FOSI, it works when we compose from the
Editor and from PE interactive. It does not work when the same file is
requested with the servlet.
This makes no sense to us, does it make sense to anybody else?
Yes I am the Queen of typos! 🙂
We have decided to go down the path of traversing the document to find the empty nodes with oid_empty(o). We foundan example in the forum that we are modifying.
Here is our XPATH code:
$noChildren = xpath_nodeset(emptyNodes, "//caution[(not(node()))] | //definitionlist[(not(node()))] | //example[(not(node()))] | //examplelist[(not(node()))] | //inform[(not(node()))] | //listitem[(not(node()))] | //note[(not(node()))] | //notelist[(not(node()))] | //orderedlist[(not(node()))] | //unorderedlist[(not(node()))] | //warning[(not(node()))]");
for (i = 1; i <= noChildren.length; i++) { oid_delete(emptyNodes[i]);}
Thanks again,