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Although this behavior may not be desireable in your scenario, it is a standard behavior within Windows. Any program that opens up a folder will have a tie to that folder behind the scenes within Windows. Windows will not let go of the folder unless you break that tie by either closing the program or telling the program to change its "current folder." The most basic programs (like NotePad or TextPad) behave the same way. I can't count how many times I've been working around my system and think I'm ready to move a folder or file and Windows yells at me saying that it can't do it, only to find out I forgot to close TextPad, even though I've save and closed the file I had open.
I don't believe you'll get a "fix" from PTC as I don't believe this is broken. As our collegues have mentioned, you need to go to another folder and open a document in that folder, or simly close AE. If you look at Help => About Arbortext Editor => Session, you can seen in "Working Directory" the current folder you're locking.
Hope this helps,
We encountered the same problem about a year ago when testing AE 5.4 in our CMS environment. PTC provided me with a diagnostic ACL file called doc_close2. We ended up being able to solve the problem by replacing the code we used to use to close the file in the editor's checkout directory. The old file closing code was:
if(doc_window(doc) > 0) { file_close( doc_window(doc) ); }
Now instead of file_close, we call a new ACL file:
if(doc_window(doc) > 0) {doc_close_unlock(doc); }
Here is doc_close_unlock.acl:
#### Routine adapted from PTC's diagnostic routine; need to close and unlock the XML file upon check-in or ###
#### cancel check-in, in order for java to be able to remove the file from the checkout folder ###############
function doc_close_unlock(doc = current_doc()) {local path = doc_path(doc);
if (!path)
message = "Document id $doc has no associated path. Document not closed!\n\n";}
local count = 0;while (doc_valid(doc))
file_close( doc_window(doc));
local dobj = dobj_construct(path);
if (dobj_valid(dobj))
if (dobj_is_my_lock(dobj))
#message .= "\n\nDocument is still locked by some document object; even after closing";
# Forcibly close this reference.
}# Release the dobj we created above.
Not sure if this will work for you, but hopefully it is helpful.
Meghan Fiero