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I currently have an English manual that requires a Spanish translation. I exported all new and changed topics in a translation pack and sent it to our translation company. When importing the translation pack back into Windchill, the translated topics showed in Windchill, but not in the Spanish windchill map or the Spanish Arbortext map. The topic in the equivalent Spanish manual in Windchill still has the previous Spanish topic and when I open it in Arbortext the topic is the new English topic.
I assume the link between the new English topic and the translated topic is broken. How do I fix this and how do I prevent this from re-occuring? Why is the map in winchill not updating the topics to the new ones?
Examples below:
English map in Windchill... e.g. the WHEELS topic:
This topic is in the translation pack that I imported back into Windchill:
When I checked, this topic is visible in Windchill in our topics folder:
If I open the equivalent Spanish (es) manual in Windchill, the older Spanish topic is showing:
[topic did not update?]
And when I open this Spanish manual map in Arbortext, the English topic is showing? (as well as all the new topics in translation pack - all still the English topic & topic no):