Hi Marty-
The short answer: no, Architect can't replace Styler. You can do some
stylesheet work in Architect for FOSI stylesheets, but it won't help you
with Styler stylesheets (*.style files).
Architect does have some tools that are helpful for editing and
configuring doctypes. I would see the two tools as being complementary,
where you use Architect to work with the doctypes and use Styler to work
with the stylesheets.
FWIW, just about everything you can do in Architect can also be done in
straight Arbortext Editor and/or a good programmer's text editor, e.g.
editing various doctype configuration files (DCF, PCF, etc.), and even
FOSI stylesheets if you're brave. But if you have a license for it,
Architect does make some of that easier.
Also, Styler is not going to help you at all with managing doctype files
or ACL scripts. It's really just for working with Styler stylesheets.
Finally, you shouldn't need to worry about authors needing Styler
licenses in general. They would only need a Styler license if they were
a) doing test composition on their local machine rather than through PE,
or b) making changes to stylesheets (or both). Neither of those should
be the case if you are publishing standard documents through PE, so I'm
not sure why authors would need the Styler license.
Clay Helberg
Senior Consultant