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Arbortext Publishing Engine 5.3 support for double bytes characters


Arbortext Publishing Engine 5.3 support for double bytes characters

I have a xml content has characters in china, Japan and Korean languages, generated pdf showing blank in place of these characters.

What are pre requisites to support these languages on publish server(Arbortext Publishing engin 5.3).

i have configured fosi file as below and server has installation of Arial Unicode MS

<font style="serif" famname="Arial Unicode MS" size="11pt" posture="upright" weight="medium"
width="regular" offset="0pt"/>.

Does the server also require installation of East Asian language pack or any other configuration required?


Several things to try (from another thread:

  1. Upgrade to Arbortext 5.4.
  2. Set the APTLIGATURESENABLED=No (this is a system environment variable)
  3. "See if there is a version of your font which contains a greater number of glyphs. Many old releases of Adobe fonts had a limited number of glyphs but have been re-released in the last five years and now include more glyphs as well as improved font metrics that take advantage of improvements in how fonts are rendered on computers. Newer OpenType fonts might also be worth investigating. OpenType versions of many Adobe and TrueType fonts are available and include support for Unicode and multiple languages." -- David Taylor


When I pinged PTC, several questions came back:

  • Do you happen to know if composition is working locally? The fonts may be installed locally but not on the server. PE performs all composition on the server.
  • Are all CJK characters missing or just some?
  • Are there any warning messages about missing characters?

If the user is not using the CJK fonts (e.g., MS Mincho), the server shouldn’t need them.

Their final reccommendation was to tell you to call Support.


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