Hello , I'm relativly new to the arbortext editor and have a task to find a way to access the editor from an other program to open a xml document, display it and access positions in the document through xpath-expressions. At the moment I am working with an evaluation copy of the arbortext editor, it takes a moment at the company to get a license key, but the app is used in the company, so that should be no issue

. I am developing in C#, as it is used through the project. In my program workflow, the end user gets presented a list of comparison results, selects one, and a arbortext editor window shall be opened with the document, called from another open program I am working on. So far, I have found out, that I can add the editor ( epic.dll ) as reference. From there I have several classes and methods I can use, but somehow I am missing some examples or documentation how to use the exported classes and methods. Are there some examples how to use those classes, apart from the provided samples, that only use existing editor windows I can't rely on. Thanks for any idea

! greetings, roland