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Hi everybody, if they have somebody who can help me to solve this probleme, it would be much apreciated.
I try to select all projected text in illustration like text inside directional arrow, and from this macro a would be able to convert to path all selected text, to make sure it will not tilt on our publishing system.
I'm a bit surprized that this is moving when you publish. If I am understanding, you're converting text to paths. You should just be able to select all and then convert to paths. I've done cheats like this where you save the file initially, run your modification for publish, close the file, and then reopen it. Basically smoke and mirrors, but it works.
To make sure this is the correct path, are you using the iso to publish or are you actually publishing from eps, or something else?
Ours souce file are .iso, but we convert it into .cgm. After this step, Writer incorporate our illustration .cgm with them writing text to complete task into another publishing system (ETPS or Quick Silver). From there, they made copy paper as well as on line publication.
I try to create macro to remove isometric text on legacy illustration, convert them to path, but not the std text, because we need to rework those illustrations and we dont want to re type all each time.
The only way a find is this macro:
Macro isometric text clean up
# recorded with Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1
Select if Text is equal to 'fwd'
Convert text to paths
Select none
End Macro
And a need to repeat this macro for all text than we put iso.
The only problem a have with that, is this maro select all text FWD. My illustration contain text (fwd) in many use, not only to help understand the view were we are looking from aircraft, but to add some qualificatif to a part, or in a title...
So thats the problem a try to solve!!!
Many thanks!