We are developing some new XUI dialogs that include numerous textbox controls. Some of those textbox controls have restricted lists of valid values that may be entered by the user. Because some of the lists of valid values are extremely long (several hundered values), we are seeking to implement logic that will capture the initial letters typed by the user and then auto-complete the entry when the data typed by the user matches one of the values in the list of valid values. A common example of the type of behavior we are looking for can be found in search field of Google.
Has anyone implemented this type of behavior for a <textbox inxui=" and=" would=" youbewilling=" to=" share=" your=" solution?=" we=" assume=" this=" solution=" would=" be=" implemented=" in=" javascript=" in=" the=" xui=" dialog,=" but=" are=" open=" to=" suggetions<=" p=">
Regards, Tom.