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Hi there,
as far as I can tell there is no documented way of providing a baseline or version number when calling
POST /v3/trackers/{testRunTrackerId}/testruns
Also the documentation does not give any hint as to how declare a baseline or version.
Am I missing something here or is this not possible?
I was even thinking of creating the testruns on head-revision first and then go and alter the link via
But I found one article that seems to be somewhat related:
My takeaway: TrackerItemReferenceModel does NOT support specific baseline/version addressing.
I assume that this actually goes for any API Endpoints the somehow require specific addressing. Is this right?
Hi @mz_10195112
Thank you for your question.
Your post appears well documented but has not yet received any response. I am replying to raise awareness. Hopefully, another community member will be able to help.
Also, feel free to add any additional information you think might be relevant. It sometimes helps to have screenshots to better understand what you are trying to do.
Best regards,
Hi there
to further elaborate on this I want to point out that the documentation actually has a hint to such a feature:
You can also create a Test Run from a baselined version of a Test Set.
I still can't believe that there is no viable option to do this via API.
Any hints are welcome.