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Just wanted to point something out. It could be coincidence or maybe something for me to think about from now on. I expressed my opinion on a particular subject that was going around. That subject is not important at this time.
I received an email from the Lyris server to confirm deactivation from the list. I never requested to be taken off the list. I wonder why I was sent the email? I enjoy the exploder and all the power behind it. I appreciate the people behind the scenes who provide the support for this to be available to us all. The one thing I enjoy the most is the ability to share view points with my fellow Pro/E users as long as it's professionally done.
I hope that we are not going to be kicked off the list for expressing our view points. This may not be the case but I just wanted to share this with all of you. It's amazing how I was sent this notification after making an honest statement.
Maybe it's just coincidence and we can leave it at that.
Be careful of what you say.
Damián Castillo CAD & Administration Manager Engineering Department Hensley Industries, Inc.
It would be completely coincidence. I have only removed two users in the past two months for policy violations. The only things that will get you kicked off are for violating the policies of the service: