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We have legacy Pro/E data here and I would like to see how well Creo 4 can convert it to Solidworks.
Can someone convert this file to Solidworks using Creo 4 please.
I haven't loaded Creo 4 yet, but I've had great luck doing a wholesale conversions from Creo 2 and 3.
SW is a little touchy about extremely small features and incident tangencies.
My experience is with SW '15 and '16.
From what I have been told, it needs to be converted with Creo 4 in order to get a workable solidworks part.
And for those of you who don't like solidworks I was a Pro/E user from rev 18 to Creo 3 and wish I was still using it.
Unfortunately when I changed companies I had to use what they use.
Are you talking about feature recognition?