I have a golfball model from way back. Its built from pattern tables-- uses three different pattern tables, all color coded. I also have the .xls with the dimple layouts that was used to populate the pattern tables. Send me an email if you want it. Specify if you want just the ProE model, xls spreadsheet or both. Ethan -
hi ebowerman , please send me spredsheet(.xls) and proemodel for golf ball. Email Id - shailesh@cimtechsystems.in and shailesh_d8023@rediffmail.com thank in advance, shailesh D. shrivastava
Hi all, Check this topic out over @ MCAD... you may find it usefull / interesting. http://www.mcadcentral.com/proe/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=%2026207&TPN=6 rgds
Hello Ethan you can send me that impresive golf ball modeled on Proe and the xls spreadsheet, i hava a .stl but not tha same to learn how i can do that pattern