Community Tip - Visit the PTCooler (the community lounge) to get to know your fellow community members and check out some of Dale's Friday Humor posts!
Please use the measuring commands that are situated in the 'Measure' Toolbar, right below the Menu Bar. There you can find: 'measure distance' 'distance between two points' 'measuring angles'
If you leave your cursr on an edge, a fillet, a cylindrical or conical face, ... for one second you get an info about the length, the radius, the conic angle, ... This is in some cases the easiest way to get an information about the dimension of a part.
Also ...... Using the calculator is also a very convenient way of measuring all sorts of distances. RMC over some of the calculator commands to see other options. The advantage of using the calculator is that the returned value can then be used as an input value for susequent cammands. Enjoy
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