If anybody is interested in the Udf files for NPT and BSP ports with customisable 3D-note attached, please send e-mail to self (mps@ltdemag.com). I am at the moment, interested in your feedback on its use and therefore, am giving it free. A note of caution: This has been developed in Wildfire 2.0 (M120). I have not tried it in Wildfire 3.0 and therefore do not have any experience in that environment. The feature works with X and Y co-ordinates from two perpendicular surfaces and is inserted on the third surface perpendicular to both of the above. If you want axis based, I have a separate udf for the same. The cosmetic of the NPT thread is only a representation and does not have a taper. Best regards M.P.Saju (mps@ltdemag.com)[/code]