I agree that PTC's non-USA pricing appears to be high.
I'm only saying that I do not believe that there is anything illegal or improper going on.
I have frequently seen European advertisements for various products, and it is commonplace for pricing to be 2X of USA pricing (after normal currency conversion).
Have you looked at any PC pricing lately?
I find no surprise in PTC's pricing to be in like manner.
However, I do agree that the reasons are not clear as to why this is the case.
I only offered what I perceive to be reasonable contributors to the cause.
There certainly may be others.
I stand on my statement regarding free-market pricing.
If there is truly a limited growth potential, that implies a reduction in demand, which might result in lower prices.
There must be some other factor(s) keep the price up.
I do agree that it is costly to switch to another CAD package, but that is true for everyone.