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Travaillant sur PROE WF5, je cherche un moyen pour recupérer des configurations de parametres pre-etablies

afin de les charger dans un fichier PRT ou ASM et ainsi eviter de reconstruire la liste à la main.

j'ai essayé d'utiliser la fonction de chargement de configuration de parametre dans outils/parametres/fichier/charger une configuration,

mais sans resultat.

Est ce que cette manip est la bonne ? Si oui comment la faire fonctionner ?



Accepted Solutions
24-Ruby III


to create several parameters at once, you can use relations. For example:

a=123 ... creates Real parameter A

b="hello" ... creates String parameter B

c=Yes ... creates YES/NO parameter C

1.] add relations

2.] verify relations

3.] remove relations

Unfortunatelly you cannot create Integer parameter using this procedure.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

View solution in original post



Je ne sais plus comment ça se passe sous WF5 étant sous Creo2. Par contre, j'ai pu remarquer une manip assez simple pour copier-coller des paramètres utilisateurs d'un fichier à l'autre. J'insiste, cela ne fonctionne que sur les paramètres définis par l'utilisateur.

Il faut dans le fichier source, sélectionner les paramètres voulus (ligne entière), clique droit, copier. Aller dans le fichier destination, fenêtre des paramètres, et faire coller.

Après, je ne pratique pas trop ce genre de chose car j'ai des gabarits de définis avec tous les paramètres nécessaires dedans.


Hello Raymond,

pouvez-vous télécharger des instantanés de votre problème?

Il est assez difficile de comprendre votre problème bye les personnes qui ne connaissent pas la langue française et ils peuvent donner une solution à votre problème.

Thanks and Regards,

Naveen Kumar Gongu.

22-Sapphire I


- Are you trying to add user defined parameters in your part/assembly as default?

If yes, you can create a start part or assembly with all of the parameters which you would like to have and use that part to create other parts.

For example:

1. Create a new part > Add all required parameters > Save the part

2. Create another File, New > Part > Uncheck use default template > Ok > Browse to earlier part (which was saved with all parameters) > Ok.

In this new part you will find all parameters which were in earlier part. You can use this for assemblies as well.


- In your post you mentioned about loading configuration parameter in tools / parameters / file / load a configuration. This option is to load customize configuration of parameters dialog box.

For example:

In your Parameter dialog box you would like to remove some of the columns or change the sequence of columns. In this case, customize the parameter dialog box > Export the configuration (File > Configuration as) > Enter the name for file. Now to use that as default for next session, set config option parameter_dialog_setup_file with value as path and name of file saved earlier and restart Creo.

For more information you may refer

Many thanks to all of you, I turn to english it'll be easier.

I do use start model with parameter configuration set. My problem is when I open a file (prt or asm) which

has not been created with the correct start file, (ex step), and i want to "convert" it into the right configuration

(relations and parameter) I do it manually.

In my case, I try to find a way to save my configuration in order to import and apply it at once !

May be there is another way in using the start model to apply the disered configuration ?



22-Sapphire I


If I am getting your issue correctly, you would like to use your start part when importing files (i.e. step). This can be done by checking "Use template" on Import new Model dialog box.

- File > Open > Select Step file

- Check Use templates > Ok

This will use the start part when importing step file and will get all user defined parameters in start parts.

Well thank you, this will help ...

Now i Still have the case when I use for ex an existing creo part from a custumer data base

which has been created with there own relations&parameters, and I want to include it in my

assembly which required another set of relations&parameters to fit to my DRW and etc...

My actual process is : open > delete all relations&parameters > copy paste relation > check (this create the needed parameter) > create user defined parameter one by one ...

It's for this last step that I'm looking for a faster way ...



24-Ruby III


to create several parameters at once, you can use relations. For example:

a=123 ... creates Real parameter A

b="hello" ... creates String parameter B

c=Yes ... creates YES/NO parameter C

1.] add relations

2.] verify relations

3.] remove relations

Unfortunatelly you cannot create Integer parameter using this procedure.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

Hello Martin,

thank for this good idea ....



Hello Raymond

I have a mapkey that creates and designates all the parameters I need. It looks like this:

mapkey supp ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `Utilities.psh_params`;\

mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `Utilities.psh_util_parameters`;#PART@OBJ TYPES;\

mapkey(continued) #ASSEMBLY@OBJ TYPES;%.mid;

mapkey suid %supp;#CREATE;#confirm;#STRING;Additional_Description;;#STRING;\

mapkey(continued) Created_By;;#STRING;Created_Date;;#STRING;Description;;#STRING;Ident;;\

mapkey(continued) #STRING;Material_Description;;#STRING;Modification;;#STRING;Modified_By;;\

mapkey(continued) #STRING;Modified_Date;;#STRING;Mod_Description;;#STRING;Standard_Dimension;;\

mapkey(continued) #STRING;Ptc_WM_Revision;;#STRING;Ptc_WM_Lifecycle_State;;#STRING;\

mapkey(continued) Surface_Treatment;;#STRING;Type_Standard;;#NUMBER;#REAL NUMBER;Weight;;\

mapkey(continued) %sudes;

mapkey(continued) #Additional_Description;#Created_By;#Created_Date;#Material_Description;\
mapkey(continued) #Ident;#Name_Eng;#Name_Es;#Modification;#Description;#Modified_By;\
mapkey(continued) #Modified_Date;#Mod_Description;#Standard_Dimension;#Surface_Treatment;\
mapkey(continued) #Type_Standard;#DONE SEL;

This works in Wildfire 4.0 with the following configuration options:

new_relation_ui no

new_parameter_ui no

You can also add relations with mapkeys. But to delete them you have to create a trail file and use it to create a relation.

Other solutions would be to use ModelCheck or jlink

Best regards


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