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Threaded holes in WF5


Threaded holes in WF5

They say the only dumb question is the one you don't ask, well; Question: Why in the "hole dialog" when you choose taped holes the only available choices are UNC, UNF & ISO in the "pull down menu" when (in the same load folder) are NPT, NPTF .hol files, why don' these show up in the menu?


Mike Pavese -


In Reply to mike pavese:

Well, its nice when you can answer your own question, I guess. I needed to select "tapered hole" and the other NPT, NPTF show up in the dialog. Thanks to all.

They say the only dumb question is the one you don't ask, well; Question: Why in the "hole dialog" when you choose taped holes the only available choices are UNC, UNF & ISO in the "pull down menu" when (in the same load folder) are NPT, NPTF .hol files, why don' these show up in the menu?


Mike Pavese -

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