Agreed. It is more difficult than it needs to be to select features in
complex designs. I have tried to mitigate the problem with layers, but
sometimes you can't get to change layer visibility in the middle of a
command. Also you can't always select items from the tree in the middle
of a command.
The other thing about selecting features / entities I don't understand
is the seemingly random way the action takes place. I would think that
there should be a hierarchy from possibly: part, surface, patch, curve,
edge, line, point, vertex, etc... I understand that now selection may
be based solely on proximity to the cursor, but sometimes invisible
features / edges / vertexes are selected as well.
This is a huge problem in drawing mode.
Like it or not some type of pre-selection highlighting seems to be a
'standard' across many of the current CAD/CAM/CAE systems out there.
Complies with the old realization "It doesn't matter how fast we make
the hardware, software programmers will piss it all away eventually".
Christopher F. Gosnell
FPD Company
124 Hidden Valley Road
McMurray, PA 15317