Hi folks, I have created for you: REPEATABLE MAPKEY GENERATOR
By default, the program generates the Repeatable Mapkey code from the list.
The Repeatable Mapkey Generator uses the existing Mapkey "4k". The Mapkey "4k" is user-defined and is repeated on every object from the list.
Please do not forget to set the Close window at the end of your user-defined Mapkey, because Creo is limited that only 15 active windows are allowed to use.
How it works:
@VladimirPalffy Awesome utility! You can trim the mapkey code as several of the lines aren't needed:
mapkey rm @MAPKEY_NAMEGenerates custom Creo Mapkey;@MAPKEY_LABELRepeatable Mapkey;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Command `ProCmdModelOpen`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Trail `UI Desktop` `UI Desktop` `DLG_PREVIEW_POST` `file_open`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Input `file_open` `Inputname` `TEST.PRT`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Update `file_open` `Inputname` `TEST.PRT`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Inputname`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `out_of_date_annots` `psh_continue`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `OK_PushButton`;%4k;
Some other ideas/suggestions:
- Automatically clicking ok to PDM storage conflicts (~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `OK_PushButton`;) could be risky. In the current state, the user could set the config option dm_checkout_on_the_fly to handle this. Could add a note on the webpage about this setting or maybe add some PDM options to 'check out' or 'continue' for all conflicts? Maybe it's simplest to just mention the setting.
- Code for 'Continue':
- ~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `Resol3`;\
~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `OK_PushButton`;\
- ~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `Resol3`;\
- Code for Check out:
- ~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `Resol1`;\
~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `OK_PushButton`;\
- ~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `Resol1`;\
- Code for 'Continue':
- Could add an text input option to the webpage about what mapkey(s) to run instead of being hardcoded to %4k.
- Could add an option to add the close window command after running the mapkey(s): ~ Command `ProCmdWinCloseGroup`;\
- Cleanup of the input list of parts if there's multiples of the same file - test.prt.1 and test.prt.2
Nice work!
Hi @lhoogeveen , thank you very much for your comments.
I am very new in programming - I have used in the past BATCH file (to generate "multimapkey") but it was very slow. With this "html" utility it works very good for me and very fast also.
I have an idea also to create a variable custom mapkey - instead of using FIX 4K, but my experiences in programming are not so good so I have created simple code.
Also - apply switch > Mapkey suitable with Windchill or not - is a good idea ... but I need to practice my programming skills first and maybe in future I will change the code for this simple utility 😊
Bye, Vladimir
I have added also your suggested note (thanks again):
Note: In the code is applied that if you use Windchill as PDM system, the generated Mapkey will automatically click OK button to PDM storage conflicts (~ Activate `storage_conflicts` `OK_PushButton`;). This configuration could be risky for some cases. In the current state, the user could set the config option dm_checkout_on_the_fly to handle this.