ProSimprepdataitemsVisit () is for visiting all data items modified by the user. If all component representations are set to the default (derived), no entry is detected.
We informed our customers that in order to use the correct program, they need to modify the derived expression of the simplified item to the master expression.
This is a bit uncomfortable.
Is there a way to use the toolkit to replace all derived states with master representations for some simplified representations?
This part only needs to be applied to the assembly. Even if a component is derived, it does not matter in our case.
If you know any good ideas or APIs, please share them.
ProSimprepdataitemsVisit () is for visiting all data items modified by the user. If all component representations are set to the default (derived), no entry is detected.
Hello all,
@CHASEONHO you had answered your own question already - if 'no entry is detected' it means all components are members.
ProSolidFeatVisit(...) to build a ProArray of ProAsmcomppaths, there is an example in protoolkit install directory.
Your opinion is right.
My idea was short.
Warm Regards,
SeonHo Cha