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Creo 2 on mapped drive


Creo 2 on mapped drive

We run Wildfire 4 from a mapped drive. We would like to do the same with Creo 2. It was a struggle to be able to install Creo 2 on a mapped drive, but I searched through the threads and found out how to do it.

Now that I have it installed, I need to know how to make it function properly on another workstation.

When I run the BAT file on another workstation, Creo 2 seems to come up properly and from what I can see works properly. BUT...
It installs Thumbnail Viewer, Creo Platform, ProductView Express and asks to update Adobe Flash. Our staff generally does not have admin access, so this will be a problem.
I also noticed that the workstation where the install was done also has MKS toolkit and a Portmapper installed and service started.

Is anyone else using Creo 2 from a mapped drive? Is there a procedure to make sure this setup works properly?

Thank you

Joe Haines
ICT - IPD - Product Engineering - Virtual Reality & TWS
CNH America LLC
120 Brubaker Ave.
MS 652
New Holland, PA 17557
Desk (717) 355-3699
Cell (717) 371-3471
FX (717) 355-3937

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23-Emerald IV

The trick with running Pro/e (Creo) from a mapped drive is to NOT run the setup program on other computers. The setup program only installs the "extra" stuff, creates desktop and start menu icons, and adds an entry to the path environment variable. Plus, the setup program will not run correctly if the version of Pro/e is not designed for the version of the OS. Furthermore, the setup program will attempt to modify the shared location installation data (which should be read only). The best way I've found to do things is to install Pro/e cleanly on a PC that matches the intended version. I then copy the entire installation folder to a shared folder on the server. To make everything work correctly you may need to correct some path entries in some of the batch files in the bin directory. I then use a custom bat file for uses to start Pro/e from. This allows me to choose which license to use, setup the environment variables the way I want, etc. Doing this will allow both 32bit and 64 bit users to run 32 bit Pro/e (any version, and on both XP and Win7). Of course only 64 bit PCs can run the 64 bit version of Pro/e.

Tom Uminn
Engineering Systems Analyst
trans-matic Mfg.


Creo 2.0-m020 has address this issue with the silent installer instructions in appendix F of the install guide. There are registry edits and three programs that need to be installed on the clients.

After you install Creo 2.0 on your central server location you need to go find these files: (I copied all of these to the same directory so I could then write a script that only looked in one location for everything)

<loadpoint>\Creo 2.0\Parametric\bin\pim\xml\created.reg <-- I renamed this to parametric-created.reg
<loadpoint>\Creo 2.0\Simulate\bin\pim\xml\created.reg <-- I renamed this to simulate-created.reg
<loadpoint>\Creo 2.0\Direct\bin\pim\xml\created.reg <-- I renamed this to direct-created.reg
<loadpoint>\ptc\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M020\install\addon\creoagent_32_64.msi
<loadpoint>\ptc\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M020\install\addon\thumbviewer_32_64.msi
And download this file to the same location where you placed the others:

rem ** Install the client Side software
"P:\Creo 2.0\Client_Configs\creoagent_32_64.msi" INSTALLDIR="C:\ptc\Creo 2.0\creoagent" /passive
"P:\Creo 2.0\Client_Configs\Thumbviewer_32_64.msi" /passive
cd /d "P:\Creo 2.0\Client_Configs
start /w CreoView_Express_32_64.exe /vADDLOCAL="ALL" /qn APPLICATIONFOLDE...

I simply install Creo 2.0 on a Windows 2010 Server which is a 64bit OS and then create a batch file to points to the loadpoint.

This has worked for many years. I install one time and every user has it running on their workstation from there. When I do build updates or upgrades, I can perform them while users are working and they will automatically get the latest build the next time they run Creo. All I do is alter the path in the batch file to reflect the new loadpoint for the new build. If I ever have issues with the new build, I simply update the batch file and point to the loadpoint of the previous build. I always keep one older build version in the system for this purpose.

If we are on M010, I will install M020 in a different loadpoint and then point the batch to it. I keep the M010 install just incase we run into issues with M020. When I upgrade to M030, I keep M020 and remover M010 from the server.

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"


I would not have connected "silent install" with making this work from a mapped drive. I used a combination of suggestions to get to a working install.

I created a script that installs the Creo Platform Agent, Adobe Flash Player update, and the registry updates. I update the with option "startup_check_for_visualization no" which stops Creo View Express and Thumbnail Viewer from being installed. MKS toolkit is only required for the interface to CADDS5, so I am not installing it.

Thank you,
Joe Haines
ICT - IPD - Product Engineering - Virtual Reality & TWS
CNH America LLC
120 Brubaker Ave.
MS 652
New Holland, PA 17557
Desk (717) 355-3699
Cell (717) 371-3471
FX (717) 355-3937

Why install Creo Platform Agent or Adobe Flash Player update? Most people are trying to figure out how to purge Creo Agent from their systems and Adobe Flash player updates itself on a seamingly daily basis.

In Reply to Joe Haines:

I would not have connected "silent install" with making this work from a mapped drive. I used a combination of suggestions to get to a working install.

I created a script that installs the Creo Platform Agent, Adobe Flash Player update, and the registry updates. I update the with option "startup_check_for_visualization no" which stops Creo View Express and Thumbnail Viewer from being installed. MKS toolkit is only required for the interface to CADDS5, so I am not installing it.

Thank you,
Joe Haines
ICT - IPD - Product Engineering - Virtual Reality & TWS
CNH America LLC
120 Brubaker Ave.
MS 652
New Holland, PA 17557
Desk (717) 355-3699
Cell (717) 371-3471
FX (717) 355-3937

PTC quality philosophy: We've upped our quality standards. Up yours.


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