1. We develop Design Optimization Software product called as modeFRONTIER,where the product used by Aerospace Design Optimation and Automobile Design Optimization, Currently working as Jr.Software Engineering
2. We use Creo Parametric of version
3. To regenerate the model we are using Creo Solid::Regenerate API.Complex model requires regeneration status for multiples Regeneration in order to get the regeneration status of the model,and creo doesnot provide any information about Regenaration Status(whether model is Success/failure) of the model.
We use below three lines of Code for Regeneration
RegenInstructions instr = pfcSolid.RegenInstructions_Create(Boolean.FALSE, null, null);
((Solid) model).Regenerate(instr);
We found that ProSolidRegenerationstatusGet(). is Pro/toolkit which is a C Customization tool.However we need OTK java toolkit to determine regeneration Status(wheteher Success/failure of regenration ).
4.We Integrate the Creo Parametric tool with modeFRONTIER .We attempt to regenerate the model using creo parametric,however after regeneration we are unabl to determine the status of regeneration
5.User can get the satus of regeneration after attempting regeneration of the model.
Only in OTK Java
void WRegenerate ( /*optional*/ WRegenInstructions Instrs)
Regenerates the model accoding to provided instructions.
This method generates XToolkitRegenerateAgain if the model is too complex to regenerate the first time.
Also you can try to check a regeneration result in action listener
void OnAfterRegen (Solid Sld, /*optional*/ Feature StartFeature, boolean WasSuccessful)
Provides a notification function called after regenerating a solid.
Manual References:
Action Listeners: Solid Level Action Listeners, Action Listeners: Solid Level Action Listeners
The solid that was regenerated.
The starting feature of the regeneration.
This is true if the solid regenerated successfully.Otherwise, this is false.