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might not be the best forum but I'll ask anyway
I'd like to know if there is tool/ method to export the key mass related properties for an .asm? I can save the mass report to a txt file but I am after a way of customising the content to a format that I want i.e. a table like format. .a,csv format spring to mind
One could write a (excel) macro to parse the txt file but it doesn't quite work
Is there a way of creating a BOM table (for a dwg) in the desired table format? for example
Part #, assy level,Mass,CGX,CGY,CGZX,Ixx,Iyy,Izz
I think such BOM can then be exported to a .csv file?
I have heard of ProToolKit but never used
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks for the link
It seems that creating a dwg with a table and the parameters available one can get all the data to a .csv. Once opened the data still need a bit of manipulation but at least the data wanted in the 1st place is there.
The key mass related properties is a parameters of a part PRO_MP_MASS, PRO_MP_IYZ, PRO_MP_IYY.
So, you can use Repeat Region in drawing table.
&, &rpt.level, &asm.mbr.PRO_MP_MASS ...
Then you can save this table into CSV
Thanks. Will look into this
I would suggest reading through this thread:
You may check the section 'Mass properties - Traverse an assembly ...' here Scripted as well.
Thanks for the link
It seems that creating a dwg with a table and the parameters available one can get all the data to a .csv. Once opened the data still need a bit of manipulation but at least the data wanted in the 1st place is there.