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Facing Compilation issue


Facing Compilation issue

Hi all,

I am trying to make one simple Pro/Toolkit appliation using the examples given in the help files.

I am facing issue when there is use of utility functions which are present under pt_utils folder.

Can anyone help me?

I am trying to execute code under pt_examples ( TestGtol.c ) example.

Error: LIST:

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "enum ProErrors __cdecl ProUtilCollectSolidFeaturesWithFilter(struct sld_part *,enum ProErrors (__cdecl*)(struct pro_model_item *,void *),struct pro_model_item * *)" (?ProUtilCollectSolidFeaturesWithFilter@@YA?AW4ProErrors@@PAUsld_part@@P6A?AW41@PAUpro_model_item@@PAX@ZPAPAU3@@Z) referenced in function "enum ProErrors __cdecl TestMdlGtolShow(void *)" (?TestMdlGtolShow@@YA?AW4ProErrors@@PAX@Z)

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "struct _iobuf * __cdecl PTApplsUnicodeFopen(char const *,char const *)" (?PTApplsUnicodeFopen@@YAPAU_iobuf@@PBD0@Z) referenced in function "enum ProErrors __cdecl TestGtolInfoSel(void *)" (?TestGtolInfoSel@@YA?AW4ProErrors@@PAX@Z)

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl ProUtilMsgPrint(char const *,char const *,...)" (?ProUtilMsgPrint@@YAXPBD0ZZ) referenced in function "enum ProErrors __cdecl TestGtolInfoSel(void *)" (?TestGtolInfoSel@@YA?AW4ProErrors@@PAX@Z)

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl ProUtilYesnoGet(char *)" (?ProUtilYesnoGet@@YAHPAD@Z) referenced in function "enum ProErrors __cdecl TestGtolModify(void *)" (?TestGtolModify@@YA?AW4ProErrors@@PAX@Z)

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "enum ProErrors __cdecl ProUtilMenuIntValueSelect(struct util_menu_buttons *,int *)" (?ProUtilMenuIntValueSelect@@YA?AW4ProErrors@@PAUutil_menu_buttons@@PAH@Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl TestGtolSelType(void)" (?TestGtolSelType@@YAHXZ)

Thanks in advance.


Did you ever figure this out?  I'm having the same issue.


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