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How to get featId from the method compConstraint.AssemblyReference.SelModel ? vb


How to get featId from the method compConstraint.AssemblyReference.SelModel ? vb

Hi I need to extract the component featID from the method ..compConstraint.AssemblyReference.SelModel (vb api)


Please, can you give me a tip?


For example, from the constraints of the component (SCREW_1), I want to read the Model feat ID (HW00293664-00)  owner of the assembly reference side




Below the function that I built  to retrieve a dictionary of (ModelOwnerAssemblyRef Feat ID, ModelOwner AssemblyRef FileName)

Public Function getModelRefAsm(ByRef session As IpfcBaseSession, ByRef component As IpfcModelItem) As Dictionary(Of String, String)

Dim item As IpfcModelItem
Dim asmComp As IpfcComponentFeat

Dim compConstraints As CpfcComponentConstraints
Dim compConstraint As IpfcComponentConstraint

Dim asmReference As IpfcSelection

Dim modelNameRefAsm As String
Dim idModelNameRefAsm As String

Dim compInfoFun As New fastenerInfo


item = CType(component, IpfcModelItem)
asmComp = CType(item, IpfcComponentFeat)
compConstraints = asmComp.GetConstraints()

If compConstraints Is Nothing OrElse compConstraints.Count = 0 Then
Throw New Exception("The component has no constraints")
End If

'Loop through all the constraints
For i = 0 To compConstraints.Count - 1

compConstraint = compConstraints.Item(i)

'Model - Assembly reference geometry
asmReference = compConstraint.AssemblyReference

If Not asmReference Is Nothing Then

modelNameRefAsm = compConstraint.AssemblyReference.SelModel.FileName
modelNameRefAsm = "Not Found"
End If

'Feat id?
If Not asmReference Is Nothing Then

idModelNameRefAsm = compConstraint.AssemblyReference.SelModel '********* I need its component id
idModelNameRefAsm = "Not Found"
End If

If Not compInfoFun.ModelAsmRefs.ContainsKey(idModelNameRefAsm) Then
compInfoFun.ModelAsmRefs.Add(idModelNameRefAsm, modelNameRefAsm)
End If

'dic (hashcode,modelName)
Return compInfoFun.ModelAsmRefs

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString + Chr(13) + ex.StackTrace.ToString)
Return Nothing
End Try

End Function


Thank you a lot in advance


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