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How to know if a feature corresponds to a part or an assembly?


How to know if a feature corresponds to a part or an assembly?

Hello all,

I am wondering how to know if a ProFeature corresponds to a part or an assembly?

I know that thanks to ProFeatureTypeGet, if the type of my feature is PRO_FEAT_COMPONENT, then my feature is eather part or assembly but I would like to know exactly...

Thank you


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I figured it out even if it is not very very easy :

the stuff is : the feature id = the last number of the asmcomppath of the solid. And it is possible to know if a solid is a part or an assembly (getModelType). it is also possible to know if a feature correspond to something that has geometry (use ProFeatureTypeGet(), if the type is PRO_FEAT_COMPONENT then this feature correspond to geometry).

Be carefull cause this id (feature id) is not unique in the whole model. it is unique in the reference of the owner--> a model can have several parts with the same feature id.





ProMdl Mdl;

ProMdlType MdlType;

err = ProAsmcompMdlGet(pFeature , &Mdl);

err = ProMdlTypeGet(Mdl, &MdlType);



it is exactly this!!

Thank you, it is very easier than what I did before :-))



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