I'm trying to create a UDF on weblink.
A point of referenceitem is required when creating UDF.
I want to include not only point but vertex (edge-start,end) and csys.
Is there any way??
var session = pfcGetProESession();
var model = session.CurrentModel;
var selOptions = pfcCreate ("pfcSelectionOptions").Create ("point,edge_end,edge_start,csys");
selOptions.MaxNumSels = 1;
pointSel = session.Select(selOptions, void null).item(0);
if (pointSel.SelItem.Type != pfcCreate("pfcModelItemType").ITEM_POINT) {
//??? ★
var udfInstructions = pfcCreate("pfcUDFCustomCreateInstructions").Create("box");
pointRef = pfcCreate("pfcUDFReference").Create("point", pointSel);
var refs = pfcCreate("pfcUDFReferences");
udfInstructions.References = refs;
I am not good at English.... I hope you understand my question..
thank you !!