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ProSection p_section = NULL;
status = ProMdlLoad(L"D:\\s2d00023333", PRO_MDL_2DSECTION, PRO_B_FALSE, (ProMdl*)&p_section);
if (FAIL(status)) return 1;
if (p_section == NULL) return 1;
double rval = 0;
status = ProSecdimValueGet(p_section, 3, &rval);
status = ProSecdimValueSet(p_section, 3, rval*1.1);?fail,why?
could be a weak or locked dimension or creo's intent manager did not like results.
try ProSectionIntentManagerModeSet to false, after that ProSectionSolve or ProSectionSolveRigid and after that ProSecdimValueSet.
Another workaround: try to get the type, references and location of the original dimension, delete the original one, make a new one, strengthen it if needs to be, and use ProSecdimValueSet on the new one.