Hey guys, I need help to get curvature informations by using Protoolkit in Creo 3.0.
I work with the application Protoolkit on a project. My goal is to implement an application in Creo 3.0. I have the tool currently written based on parameters. At the moment I have to save for example the radius of a curvature as a parameter in Creo 3.0 firstly, to process the information in Protoolkit afterwards. Therefor I use the ParamOwner in Protoolkit.
It would be desirable, I could go directly to the radius of curvature in Protoolkit and store this in a integer afterwards. I tried to use other funktions like the feature.h library, to get the curvature Feature. In this example I only get information IP or the Name of the Feature.
Does anyone have an approach which function or which librery I can use to get the information from a feature (here rounding feature) , may like to read the radius of curvature in Creo 3.0, so that I can store this information to a integer in Protoolkit?