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Anybody here is aware of a way or API to control show/hide status of dayum planes/axes in ProE WF 5.0 M060?
Does anyone know if the ProModelitemIsHidden API works in WF4? It is not giving me correct results.
I am traversing through all the layers (ProMdlLayersCollect) and need to keep track of layer names and if each layer is hidden. No problems getting the layer names (ProModelitemNameGet), but when I added the hidden status check (ProModelitemIsHidden), it does nothing. The return data is PRO_B_FALSE for all layers and the return code is PRO_TK_NO_ERROR. Most of my layers ARE hidden.
Has this happened for anyone else?
In Reply to Sharon Barber:
Does anyone know if the ProModelitemIsHidden API works in WF4? It is not giving me correct results.
I am traversing through all the layers (ProMdlLayersCollect) and need to keep track of layer names and if each layer is hidden. No problems getting the layer names (ProModelitemNameGet), but when I added the hidden status check (ProModelitemIsHidden), it does nothing. The return data is PRO_B_FALSE for all layers and the return code is PRO_TK_NO_ERROR. Most of my layers ARE hidden.
Has this happened for anyone else?
I had some luck with ProLayerDisplayStatusGet, but I'm not sure if your traversal supports this approach.