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A Dream Sequence: What do you see in the future of ThingWorx?

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Hello readers,


This week @ Ask Kaya we thought we would give someone else the keyboard for a different point of view on the platform.  I’m Chris, a Product Manager here at PTC working on the ThingWorx platform.  Instead of telling you what is coming in our next release, or interviewing one of our awesome PTC experts, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the platform’s success and dream about where it could be.  After visiting with customers and partners at PTC Forum Europe this week, it looks like many of you share in our vision.  This is a bit of a fun post and by no means an exact look into ThingWorx 2019, but see what you think.


When I think about the next generation of ThingWorx, here is what I see:

  • I see Mashups that generate themselves with suggested visualizations based on your input for style, user persona, and navigation
  • I see Thing Models that populate, based on your use case, your equipment and your connectivity
  • I see a self-learning platform with understanding of all industrial data sources, presenting options of integration to extend knowledge or informing you of correlations
  • I see applications that automatically master individual pieces of equipment, small processes, and handfuls of KPIs and will command larger fleets, networks, and multi-site operations
  • I see a platform without installation or setup, but is there when you need it
  • I see test code and harnesses that are created based on what you build with our tools and tests that run automatically when things are changed
  • I see developers being notified when things are changed by other developers, or when modules from PTC have new versions
  • I see a central place to manage solutions, with push button access for administrators to deploy to sites
  • I see upgrades happening seamlessly, confidently, with no penalty for failure and with the speed of iterative development
  • I see a self-aware system that monitors and scales itself cost effectively


Readers, what do you see?  Sound off in the comments!




When I think about the next generation of ThingWorx

  • I see user friendly platform which can explain the Applications developed on it to a new user. 
  • I see features for defining rules/boundary conditions for modules(like user management, asset management etc) in an application so that developers from different team can work seamlessly.




Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 30, 2018 05:51 PM
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