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Display Geolocation Data Using Google Maps Part 2

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Step 5: Widget Properties


You can configure Properties to change the style of the map as well as specify a custom image to use for map markers. Other Properties allow two linear paths and polynomial regions to also be displayed on the map Widget with optional tooltip data.




Name Type Default Direction Description
DataInfotableNoneInputSource for the data that is displayed as discrete markers
LocationFieldMenuNameNoneInputField that contains Location type data to plot markers
MarkerFieldMenuNameNoneInputField that contains data of type Image used to plot markers
ShowMarkerTooltipBooleanTrueInputHovering over map markers will display a tooltip when set to true
ToolTipField1 thru 4MenuNameNoneInputOptional field displayed in tooltip when the user hovers over a map marker
ToolTipLabel1 thru 4StringNoneInputOptional label for tooltip data
RouteDataInfotableNoneInputSource for the data that is displayed as a connected route
RouteLocationFieldMenuNameNoneInputField that contains Location type data to plot connected route line
ShowRouteBooleanFalseInputShow route data on map when set to true
PlannedRouteDataInfotableNoneInputSource for the data that is displayed as a second connected route
PlannedRouteLocationFieldMenuNameNoneInputField that contains Location type data to plot a second connected route line
ShowPlannedRouteBooleanFalseInputShow planned route data on map when set to true
RegionDataInfotableNoneInputSource for the data that is displayed as a region
RegionLocationDataInfotableNoneInputRegion location data source
RegionLocationsFieldMenuNameNoneInputField which will provide location table information for region
RegionLayerFieldMenuNameNoneInputField that contains Numeric data used for region layer number
ShowRegionsBooleanFalseInputShow region data on map when set to true
ShowRegionTooltipsBooleanTrueInputHovering over region will display a tooltip when set to true
RegionToolTipField1 thru 4MenuNameNoneInputOptional field displayed in tooltip when the user hovers over a region
RegionToolTipLael1 thru 4StringNoneInputOptional label for region tooltip data
RegionFillOpacityNumber1InputOpacity of region fill color from 0 being transparent to 1 being opaque
SelectedLocationLocationNoneInput/OutputThe currently selected location
CurrentZoomNumber8OutputThe currently displayed zoom level ( 1 - 15 )
ZoomNumber8InputNumber used to set the zoom level ( 1 - 15 )
ShowMarkersBooleanTrueInputShows map markers if set to true
ShowPathMarkersBooleanTrueInputShows map markers if set to true
ShowTrafficBooleanFalseInputShows traffic data color overlay on map if set to true
NEBoundaryLocationNoneOutputThe northeast boundary location
NWBoundaryLocationNoneOutputThe northwest boundary location
SEBoundaryLocationNoneOutputThe southeast boundary location
NWBoundaryLocationNoneOutputThe southwest boundary location
VisibleBooleanTrueInputWidget is visible if set to true





Name Type DefaultDescription
DisplayNameStringNoneName used for widget in user facing interactions
DescriptionStringNoneDescription used for widget in user facing interactions
MapTypeRoads/Satellite/Hybrid/TerrainRoadsThe type of map content displayed
MapSkinNormal/Blue/GreyNormalOptions for styling maps monochromatically
AutoZoomBehaviorData change/Initial Data onlyData ChangeControls when map will automatically zoom to show all markers
ClusterLocationsBooleanFalseCombines multiple location markers that are near one another into a single marker if true
MultiSelectBooleanFalseEnable multiple marker selection


Widget Events


  • DoubleClicked- Triggered when user double clicks on the Google Map.
  • Changed- Triggered when the data for this widget is modified.
  • BoundsChanged- Triggered when the bounding box of the displayed map changes.



Step 6: Next Steps


If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:


Resource    Link
CommunityDeveloper Community Forum
SupportGoogle Map Widget Help Center
Free Google Maps Widget ExtensionIQNOX


Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 14, 2022 04:25 PM
Updated by: