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ThingWorx Navigate is now Windchill Navigate Learn More

How to connect your edge devices using the REST API

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The ThingWorx Platform is fully exposed using the REST API including every property, service, subsystem, and function.  This means that a remote device can integrate with ThingWorx by sending correctly formatted Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests. Such an application could alter thing properties, execute services, and more.

To help you get started using the REST API for connecting your edge devices to ThingWorx, our ThingWorx developers put together a few resources on the Developer Portal:

  • New to developing with ThingWorx? Use our REST API Quickstart guide that explains how to: create your first Thing, add a property to your Thing, then send and retrieve data.

REST API Quickstart Guide - Developer Portal.png

  • Advanced ThingWorx user? This new REST API how-to series features instructions on how to use REST API for many common tasks, incl. a troubleshooting section.

REST API how to guides - Developer Portal.png

  • Use ThingWorx frequently but haven’t learned the syntax by heart? We got you covered. The REST API cheat sheet gives details of the most frequently used REST API commands.

REST API Cheat Sheet - Developer Portal.png


These links no longer work, I just get a sad panda.

Hi Bryan

Here are some links I could find regarding REST API's

Rest API Quickstart =

REST API How-To Guide =

REST API Core Concepts =

REST API Help Center = PTC

Thank you for letting us know. I just updated all the links and everything should direct you to the correct assets on the Developer Portal.

Is it possible to send data to the Edge devices via REST? I assume we need the EMS on the edge for that.

Yes, you are correct. The EMS exposes a REST interface when it is running that bridges to the REST API of the platform it is connected to.

This blog post has more details:

Exploring an EMS / LSR configuration using REST APIs

Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 23, 2017 01:53 PM
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