Time-series predictive models generated by ThingWorx Analytics Server in Analytics Manager will have additional columns in their dataShape generated by ThingPredictor. These columns are known as “transformation fields” and are used for internal processing but are not necessary for inclusion in the DataShape. So there is no need to worry about mapping all these additional fields since it will be handled internally by ThingPredictor. There is one addition step that the user must take which is detailed below.
Step to Import:
Edit the DataShape generated by ThingPredictor to match the format of the data that was provided during the model training process. In other words, remove all the transformation fields from the DataShape.
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Thank you for your post!
One question: in the model's input data shape there are no "original" fields, which may be set straightforwardly.
Would it be a correct move to create them manually?
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I have two questions to help me understand your question:
In your original question, you say there are no original fields, what do you mean by original fields? For example, is there no fields that are getting published or is there just 1 or 2 that are missing?
What version of ThingPredictor are you using?
In the most recent release (ThingPredictor 8.2) time-series support is built into the product so all that you need to do is to select publish.
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1. By original fields I mean those fields of data set which I use for training model. None of them appear without 'offset' or any other postfix.
2. I am using ThingPredictor 8.0.
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Sorry, a misunderstanding occured, please, reply to this comment:
1. By original fields I mean those fields of data set which I use for training model. None of them appear without 'offset' or any other postfix.
2. I am using ThingPredictor 8.0.
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So could you, please, assist on the issue or provide any advice?
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I am following up on this post. The ability to import time-series models into ThingPredictor in now natively supported function of the software as of ThingPredictor Release 8.1.x. I would recommend upgrading to Release 8.1 or greater as the easiest way to import time-series models into ThingWorx Analytics Manager.
Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Warm Regards,