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Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X

OpenDJ as ThingWorx Directory Service with Docker

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OpenDJ is a directory server which is also the base for WindchillDS. It can be used for centralized user management and ThingWorx can be configured to login with users from this Directory Service.


Before we start


  • Docker on Ubuntu
  • JKS keystore with a valid certificate
  • JKS keystore is stored in /docker/certificates - on the machine that runs the Docker environments
  • Certificate is generated with a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension for hostname, fully qualified hostname and IP address of the opendj (Docker) server
  • Change the blue phrases to the correct passwords, machine names, etc. when following the instructions
  • If possible, use a more secure password than "Password123456"... the one I use is really bad


Related Links



Generate the PKCS12 certificate

  • Assume this is our working directory on the Docker machine (with the JKS certificate in it)


cd /docker/certificates


  • Create .pin file containing the keystore password


echo "Password123456" >


  • Convert existing JKS keystore into a new PKCS12 keystore


keytool -importkeystore -srcalias muc-twx-docker -destalias server-cert -srckeystore muc-twx-docker.jks -srcstoretype JKS -srcstorepass `cat` -destkeystore keystore -deststoretype PKCS12 -deststorepass `cat` -destkeypass `cat`


  • Export keystore and Import into truststore


keytool -export -alias server-cert -keystore keystore -storepass `cat` -file server-cert.crt
keytool -import -alias server-cert -keystore truststore -storepass `cat` -file server-cert.crt



Docker Image & Container

  • Download and run


sudo docker pull openidentityplatform/opendj
sudo docker run -d --name opendj --restart=always -p 389:1389 -p 636:1636 -p 4444:4444 -e BASE_DN=o=opendj -e ROOT_USER_DN=cn=Manager -e ROOT_PASSWORD=Password123456 -e SECRET_VOLUME=/var/secrets/opendj -v /docker/certificates:/var/secrets/opendj:ro openidentityplatform/opendj


  • After building the container, it MUST be restarted immediately in order for recognizing the new certificates


sudo docker restart opendj


  • Verify that the certificate is the correct one, execute on the machine that runs the Docker environments:
openssl s_client -connect localhost:636 -showcerts


Load the .ldif



  • Select the opendj node
  • LDIF > Import File (my demo breakingbad.ldif is attached to this post)
  • Skip any warnings and messages and continue to import the file


ThingWorx Tomcat

  • If ThingWorx runs in Docker as well, a pre-defined keystore could be copied during image creation. Otherwise connect to the container via commandline:
sudo docker exec -it <ThingworxImageName> /bin/sh
  • Tomcat configuration
cd /usr/local/openjdk-8/jre/lib/security
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts
  • Copy the certifcate between BEGIN CERTIFACTE and END CERTIFICATE of above output into opendj.pem, e.g.
echo "<cert_goes_here>" > opendj.pem
  • Import the certificate
keytool -keystore cacerts -import -alias opendj -file opendj.pem -storepass changeit


ThingWorx Composer

  • As the IP address is used (the hostname is not mapped in Docker container) the certificate must have a SAN containing the IP address




  • Only works with the TWLDAPExample Directory Service not the ADDS1, because ADDS1 uses hard coded Active Directory queries and structures and therefore does not work with OpenDJ.
  • User ID (cn) must be pre-created in ThingWorx, so the user can login. There is no automatic user creation by the Directory Service.
  • Make sure the Thing is Enabled under General Information



LDAP Structure for breakingbad.ldif

  • cn=Manager / Password123456
  • All users with password Password123456




Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 30, 2019 05:19 AM
Updated by: