I am new to Thingworx but not to Kepware.
I have a kepware thing that is displaying values for a number of connected devices.
I have a device thing and I am trying to connect my device properties to my kepware properties. After some reading decided that a subscription is the way to do this. I hope that is right.
I have two kepware tags that change infrequently and one that changes frequently.
The subscription is on data change. and only the property attached the tag changing frequently is updating.
I am guessing because the value is not changing the property is not updating.
I see that there is another subscription event ... called any data change, or thing starts. So perhaps I need to use one of these events to populate the values.
If I pick anydata change .. i'm not sure how to reference a specifc property of the kepware thing in my device thing to update the device property from the kepware property
Any thoughts anyone?