Ian, I'm not sure I know what is confusing you, but I'm going to guess that it has to do with the sequence of translations that takes place on the way to G-code. From .mfg to G-code involves two translations, one into universal APT format, the next into G-code. Menu picks: If you select CL Data/Output then pick Operation, Sequence or Set ... File, you will come to the OUTPUT TYPE menu. CL File is pre-checked, and if you select Done you will get only the first translation into G-code. If you pick MCD (Machine Control Data) you will also get G-code. After you accept the selection, you will then have to pick a Post Processor from the list that appears in the PP List menu. If you already have your post processor defined, you're all set. Otherwise, you can use one from the list that is close to your needs, or modify or create a new one using the Applications/NC Post Processor option. David