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Mathcad for Electrical Engineers Webinar (replay on-demand)

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Join Team Mathcad plus guest presenter Marius Pop from AAC Clyde Space in Mathcad for Electrical Engineers! Originally aired February 12 2025, but available now on-demand.


This is the long-awaited EE flavour of our "Mathcad for ___ Engineers" series (we previously had Civil and Mechanical). Like the others, Anji gives a brief introduction on what Mathcad is and why electrical engineers use it, and then Marius showed examples with two Mathcad worksheets on classic problems that engineers may use Mathcad for; he solves these in several interesting methods. The remaining time was be used for live Q&A, moderated by yours truly.


The replay is available now at this link, as well as all presentation materials.


This is happening this week; based on our test run, it should be an informative event for all attendees!

My to-do list over the next week as it relates to this now-completed event:

  1. Get Marius's files and Anji's PPT
    1. Convert them to PDF since someone asked for that
    2. Get these into a .zip file and give that to PTC's web team
  2. Export the video file of the event archive and upload that to Brightcove (video player)
    1. Edit in sub-titles for Anji's parts because her audio kept fading in and out
  3. Make a table of contents of that video file (upload this too)
  4. Publish the Mathcad Community Challenge January 2025 blog
  5. Review / write / edit the form page to convert it to the replay page (link to the community challenge blog instead of the community challenge itself, since the challenge is over)
  6. Get the replay page published with that .zip file of the files and the video player
  7. Write the emails to registrants / attendees saying the replay is up
    1. Send these

Replying to DJNewman

Yay, all of these things are done. Enjoy the replay!

Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 18, 2025 01:03 PM
Updated by:
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