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Animating a simpler task in Smath Studio
Fluctuations of three loads .The system consists of two extreme loads mass m1 and medium load mass m2 (2m1> m2).If the average load deviate from the equilibrium position, the system begins to oscillate.
I think we can use r=0.
In future we can use r>0, calculate masses of disks and strings, air resistance, springs not strings etc...
And second and main!
Pictures are gut but Mathcad-sheet is better. And with animation and trajectories!
Why my sheet is not correct - why we need more ICs?
using r=0 is not the reality!!!!!
Pictures tell more than 10000 words and define the situation well, than you can do mathcadding
Can't open your sheet so I am not sure, but I think you don't have too few but rather too many IC.
You don't have a differential equation for F1 and F2, so you should not solve for those functions and provide no IC for them.
Define F1 and F2 before the solve block in that way:
Later in the solve block instead of F1(t) you would write
Same for F2.
As an alternative you could get rid of F1 anf F2 altogether and substitute the appropriate expressions directly in your ODEs.
...I apologize, I translated the word "radius" (of the disk) with the word ray (as a sun ray) thanks to google translator....
About the problem I see you race ... but I go slow ...
In attempting to solve a physical problem by physically setting up different forces for the physics of Newton's laws for an arrangement and to calculate these in the solution block using the Odesolve function, errors occur.
If I change various signs in my equations (although this contradicts the physical correctness!), I get a result.
From a scientific point of view, the application of the solution block on this point makes no sense from my point of view.
Valery, I would appreciate it very much if you mention that in your report.
Thank you.
Мы это называем "Метод научного тыка".
if this would help me, i didn't have sleepness nights.
Now, off today.
...One day it stings, another day it brings.
in this sense, see ya next time.
Current situation.
with the corresponding equations:
I will input it in the text.
Sorry for the late answer!
Thank you, Valery
The text (based on the latest Version) is nearly translated into German.
Have a nice Day!
How is the progress of the report, Valery?
I'm waiting for the latest version to finish the translation.
Volker Lehner написал(а):
How is the progress of the report, Valery?
I'm waiting for the latest version to finish the translation.
Heute abend!
It will be too a preface of the book Ionic Equations
It will be a great Report!
Volker Lehner написал(а):
It will be a great Report!
OK, It's an Articel
a little late
The article ist fertig.
In German and English version!
Do you mean, that the german translation is ready and done?
Don't you want to have my german translation?
It was in my mind, that i translate into german.
Give me please a link to the ready article.
Volker Lehner написал(а):
Give me please a link to the ready article.
I meant the german version this is russian version
So please give me a link to the german version.
I am waiting from you the German version
Valery Ochkov schrieb:
I am waiting from you the German version
...still in progress, not that easy to translate from "Mr. Google Translator" to German...
Valery Ochkov schrieb:
The article ist fertig.
In German and English version!
That means for me, the German and english version is ready.
Conversation here is a bit confusing...
Please tell me what is fact now?
There is one game - Find 10 differences
One example
You can find in attach 2 sheets - Mathcad 15 and Prime 3.1.
Prime is OK - Mathcad 15 has an error
Find please 1 or N differences - the origin of the error!
it's better i'll go back to the abacus.
Volker Lehner написал(а):
it's better i'll go back to the abacus.
Утро вечера мудренее!
You can change the job - find please the error in my Mathcad 15 Sheet. Prime is OK!