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Dear Experts,
here is my first MC15 sheet with the new built in ANOVA Function.
I hope I could solve the problem correctly. Advices are very welcome.
ONe more question to MC 15. Here I have a calculation done with SigmaPlot 11 (colored text area) but I do not get the same results with MC15.
Can anyone here help me how this can be done correctly? THanks
In your opinion, is it worth upgrading to M15?
Well, we have here the maintainance contract so we got the MC 15 version automatically. But keep in mind some serious bugs are fixed.
"Sigma Plot" just rings a bell, but no tune comes outs
[like wind shaking bells in the dark] from far away.
Is there a way to add the image of that plot c/w the function
and the argument +++ all what pertains to your question ???
Just a matter to code, but nothing to see from you !
"Un discours de sourds" : 15 does not read completely 11
11 does not read 15 at all.
well I just want to see if SigmaPlot calculates the right values like MathCad do. But I have problems in finding the same results.
Walter Schrabmair wrote:
well I just want to see if SigmaPlot calculates the right values like MathCad do. But I have problems in finding the same results.
Yes Walter,
But there exist some Mathcad ANOVA sheets.
If you read my comments to Mike, you can understand
why collaboration does not exist anymore other than read
and find the tool, post it and go. The nice period of
constructive collaboration is dead, dead for a long time.
Many collabs complained but nothing was considered yet.
Here is the peanut cake, help yourself, if allergic to peanuts
who cares. That's the actiual PTC policy.
On the top of that: navigation is such a pen in the ass !
Waste of time, zillions of icons in pin-pong efficiency.
Make a work sheet, hope some collab to look at it,
hope they have something you can use.
Ok, Jean, I will search in the old collab files. Maybe I will find usefull sheets. Thanks for your help.