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To solve symbolically for the six determinate values see attached. (The nine conditions seem to be consistent).
First of all you should simplify your statements, esp. Matrix A, using the methods of the prevoius post. That is separete real and imaginary part and simplify and then make each denominator rational.
Nevertheless your euqation seems to have no solution. The symbolics won't find any and if you decrease CTOL to 10^-16 or lower, even the numeric solver will not be able to find a solution.
Are you sure your task is solveable? And if yes, why?
BTW, what concrete problem you are working on which involves that kind of symbolic operations? Or better, as you post in "Math Homework Help)", what kind of study would force its students dealing with that kind of symbolic tasks?
To solve symbolically for the six determinate values see attached. (The nine conditions seem to be consistent).
Many, many thanks, Alan. Thanks for:
Best Regards.
Well done.
Here are the results a bit simplified - still not really pretty