On 1/13/2010 12:54:54 PM, jc_at_Aq wrote:
>Does anyone have a good way to
>get certain text boxes or list
>boxes to hide or show up based
>on a previous input?
>Basically, depending what the
>user selects in a listbox at
>the top, I need different
>input options to show up
>I tried messing around with
>the "ForeColor" and
>"BackColor" commands to make
>everything white (and
>therefore sort of "hidden"),
>but I couldn't get it to work
>quite right.
>Does anyone have a slick way
>of achieving this? By the
>way, I have Version 13, which
>I know is a crappy version,
>but there is not much I can do
>about that now.
One solution on the MAS: