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@vlehner wrote:
Hi Valery,
maybe some links in the Article could make problems.
When executing some links at the artikels text passage it's leading to an error but after confirm them, the link will open the website.
Is it because of the new Forum we have now?
I know it and hope all will be ok. Old links must automat change to new form!
It was with old Collaboratory links.
If not - it will be one katasrtofa!
Btw: Nice Story!
Hi Valery,
If this is the equation for the falling apple, how did you create the IE?
I don't understand it, please explain me.
Thank you, Volker
...better to do this one:
@vlehner wrote:
Hi Valery,
If this is the equation for the falling apple, how did you create the IE?
I don't understand it, please explain me.
Thank you, Volker
The potential energy of the apple is g*mass*h0 at t=0. No any kynetic energy!
At t>0 we have ane kynetic energy mass*v(t)^2/2 and any potential energy g*mass*h(t).
v(t) is a derivative (производная) of h(t)
h(t) as an antiderivative (первообразная, an integral) of v(t).
Is it OK?
This story was written by Averchenko in Germany. Hi was an emigrant. I think there is a german translation.
See my second animation in Prime 4
Hi Valery,
can you post the MathCad-File please?
I want to try the animation.
@vlehner wrote:
Hi Valery,
can you post the MathCad-File please?
I want to try the animation.
I cannot here - in new Community files attach. I will send direct!
Valery, please send me the animation in prime 4.
You can zip and post it here or send me an email.
Thank you.
@vlehner wrote:
Valery, please send me the animation in prime 4.
You can zip and post it here or send me an email.
Thank you.
Prime has no tools for the animation creating.
My student has created a lot of pictures (see some of them in attach) and than I create a gif-animation by using one site in Internet.
@vlehner wrote:
Let me search tomorrow for it.
When i am successful, i want to put it in my translation and will send the Update of the artikel to you. OK?
Sorry, not in Germany - in Prag
See please
The light variant of the article in attach
There are flawed people. Some do not perceive classical music and are bored in the conservatory, while others do not understand modern art, the third scales the appearance and smell of expensive cheese with mold, the fourth ones call the aged wine with a beautiful bouquet of sourdough and prefer a glass of vodka, the fifth blind to the beauty of mathematics ...
Есть ущербные люди. Одни не воспринимают классическую музыку и скучают в консерватории, другие же не понимают современное искусство, третьих коробит вид и запах дорогого сыра с плесенью, четвертые называют выдержанное вино с прекрасным букетом кислятиной и предпочитают ему стакан водки, пятые слепы к красоте математики… Таких людей можно понять, пожалеть и порекомендовать им развивать свой вкус и понимание окружающего мира. Жизнь от этого станет намного богаче и интересней. Математика – это еще и самая лучшая гимнастика для ума: освоив логику математики несложно освоить и логику жизни. Данная статья – это попытка передать читателям то механико-математическое наслаждение, какое получил автор, контактируя с обычными на первый взгляд предметами…
Hi Valery,
I have your Artikel translated to German and sent it to you via e-mail: