When I am doing finite element analysis with PROE Mechaica,
I encounter a problem that I don't know what to do with. I hope to solve it under your help, it is very important for my study.
I'm glad to communicate with everyone in the community and I hope I can help those who need help.
The prolem is as follows,
Mechanica Structure Version L-01-49:spg
Summary for Design Study "Analysis1"
Sun Aug 15, 2010 20:08:25
Run Settings
Memory allocation for block solver: 128.0
Parallel Processing Status
Parallel task limit for current run: 2
Parallel task limit for current platform: 64
Number of processors detected automatically: 2
Checking the model before creating elements...
These checks take into account the fact that AutoGEM will
automatically create elements in volumes with material
properties, on surfaces with shell properties, and on curves
with beam section properties.
Generate elements automatically.
The design study terminated abnormally.
An internal engine error has occurred. Please be sure
to run error checking before you run this study. If
you have run error checking, then contact Customer Support.
Memory and Disk Usage:
Machine Type: Windows NT/x86
RAM Allocation for Solver (megabytes): 128.0
Total Elapsed Time (seconds): 1.15
Total CPU Time (seconds): 0.83
Maximum Memory Usage (kilobytes): 47069
Working Directory Disk Usage (kilobytes): 0
Results Directory Size (kilobytes):
24524 .\Analysis1
You posted this in the Mathcad Mechanical Engineering forum, instead of in a Pro/Engineer community. Click on PlanetPTC Community button in the upper left, and then on the Pro/ENGINEER link to post it where more Pro/Engineer users will see your post, and be able to help you.
Good luck with your problem.