On 4/9/2010 12:33:33 AM, Moe_Szyslak wrote:
>All --
>I am attempting to fit a
>lognormal distribution to a
>histogram with
>logarithmically-spaced bins,
>but am not having much luck. I
>suspect that at least part of
>my problem is the old "linear
>fit, logarithmic plot"
>problem, but I can't seem to
>shake it this time. Any ideas?
>As always, thanks in
Your Z vector is now raw data, too many 0 values or near zero. If it would be from collection, then the ratio of the max to the min indicates a very poor collection. I don't understand your fabrication. You must test the data first and as you can see the histogram is not lognorm.
You could probably fit several distributions to that histogram